Title: “Ethics and the Claims Adjuster”
When: February 21, 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Register Here: Linked In
–> if you need adjuster ethics CE credits, please bring your CA, TX, and/or FL adjuster license numbers and be sure to write legibly on the attendee CE roster. If you have a business card, please bring it with you.
Course Description:
The insurance claims professional’s responsibilities extend beyond the technical ability to resolve issues of coverage, liability, and damages. The role of values and morality play in making ethical decisions. This fun interactive course utilizes ‘claims scenarios’ that are designed to challenge the decision-making process. These claims include property and liability issues under various policies of insurance (CGL, Property, Homeowners). The resultant discussion is designed to ‘stretch’ each professional’s understanding of the scenarios. This course provides some ‘real world’ claims examples and allows for the attendees to discuss and evaluate the competing interests and pressures that exist in our business.
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