1-800-726-5939 inquiry@fcafire.com

Ulises Castellon, CPCU, RPA, CEO of Fire Cause Analysis (FCA), is speaking at The Institutes CPCU Society Arizona Chapter at their monthly luncheon in Phoenix, AZ.

-Date: August 13, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
-Location: Chompie’s – 3212 E Cactus Rd, Phoenix, AZ

Doors open at 11:30 am.
*CPCU not required and NO charge to attend!*
*Please RSVP to Carol McDonald at carol.mcdonald@fcafire.com

Ulises will be presenting on a topic that should be interesting to underwriting, claims, and agency personnel alike…the dangers of battery and EV fires.

SESSION DESCRIPTION The program will utilize several visually compelling fire case claims to illustrate effective electric vehicle forensic fire investigation techniques. The case studies will assist the attendees in distinguishing between intentionally set fires, and legitimate accidental fires. Photographic evidence, video and 3D modeling demonstrations of compartment and component fires will buttress the presentation. Further, the claims professional responsibilities include the demanding challenge of evaluating the technical abilities of experts. They aren’t expected to be experts, but they are expected to use good judgment and work with evaluating experts. This workshop is designed to provide thoughtful understanding among investigation professionals to provide some tools and perspective to cost-effectively utilize experts in the context of investigating a vehicle fire case.

-Identify the core elements that are crucial to the successful resolution of electric vehicle fire claims.
-Challenge fire experts’ methodology by highlighting the differences between electric vehicles and conventional vehicle investigations.
-Describe numerous practical tips to effectively manage the many difficult issues that electric vehicle fire claims frequently present.