1-800-726-5939 inquiry@fcafire.com

Glenn White, CFI

Fire Investigator


Glenn White, CFI holds the position of Senior Fire Investigator with Fire Cause Analysis. As a Senior Fire Investigator, Glenn performs fire investigations, presentations and consults clients in all aspects of fire investigation matters. In addition to working with Fire Cause Analysis (FCA) since 2007, Glenn is also currently employed at a leading Municipal Fire Department serving in many capacities, including Acting Battalion Chief. Glenn was voted by his peers as the 2017-18 Firefighter of The Year and his current responsibilities include complex high rise and commercial occupancy inspections, Terrorism Liaison Coordinator, Arson Task Force member and Fire Investigations as well as a Captain in the Operations Division. He has worked for the last 17 years as a truck and engine Company Captain as well as the lead Fire/Arson Investigator for the Newport Beach Fire Department. Glenn has served as a member of the Hazardous Materials Team as a HazMat Technician, functioned for 16 years as a Paramedic. Captain White has participated in over 1500 Origin and Cause Investigations and acted as the lead investigator on over 1000 of those fires. He has also testified as an expert witness in Superior Court which led to a conviction in an Arson, Kidnapping and Attempted Murder case, as well as two other court appearances as an Origin and Cause expert. Glenn has been deposed a total of four times on the civil court side of his activities. 

Mr. White excels at teaching and has been used often by his department in this capacity. He has developed an in-house Urban Interface safety course and is a CSFM Certified RIC instructor he also developed a Jr. Fire Firefighter program for the Newport Mesa School District. Mr. White presented vehicle fire investigation classes to the Orange County Fire/Arson Task Force and has participated in numerous live burns. These live burns included many different scenarios using different ignition sources. He has also identified the causes of previously undetermined vehicle arson cases in San Diego, Orange and LA County. In addition, he has served as guest lecturer at Saddleback College for Paramedic students and functioned as a Paramedic Preceptor. Mr. White was chosen by his department to head a new program in the school district called Open Airways for Schools which was designed to help children with asthma. He has used his presentation skills with “Team Kids” who have partnered with the NBFD and the Newport Mesa School District to empower elementary age children with the tools to contribute to society at this early age. He also led the instruction in his department for the new Multi Casualty Incident Program as well as the Community Emergency Response Team. Glenn quality reviews fire reports for FCA as well as for his department. 

Mr. White while serving as Training Officer for the Orange County Fire Arson Task Force presented two one week long classes for Orange and LA County CSI teams and Fire Investigators. The class focused on identifying patterns, photography, evidence collection and the importance of NFPA 921 and its’ use in all fire investigations. 

Glenn is a Certified California State Fire Marshal Level II Fire/Arson Investigator and holds the qualifications of a Chief Officer. Glenn also served four years as President of the Orange County Fire/Arson Task Force. He has assisted the Orange County District Attorney’s office as an Expert Witness to review case information and provide insight as well as prepare for courtroom presentation. Glenn was recently selected to serve as a Public Information Officer for the City of Newport Beach Fire Department and wrote the new policy for Fire Investigations and Fire/Arson Investigators in Newport Beach. 


  • Certified California State Fire Marshal Fire/Arson Investigator
  • California State Fire Marshal Certified RIC instructor
  • Certified Fire Investigator